Cleave Books
Puzzle Trio 28

82. Starting with 1, all the numbers up to (and including) 1000 are written down.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, . . . . . . . . 996, 997, 998, 999, 1000
How many times does the digit 1 (one) appear?

83. Estate Plan The drawing shows a park and its paths. All six intersections have been identified by a letter (A to F).
There is to be a carnival held in the park with a procession. The organisers think it would be more interesting if the procession went along every path but, to save time, they do not want to go along any path twice, and the procession should start at one of the intersections and finish at another.
By using the letters, give a route that should please the organisers.

84. Using the expression n × π where n is a whole number -
what value of n will produce a value for the expression which
comes closest to being a year number in this (21st) century?

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