Cleave Books
The Cuboids Calculator
Show values to . . . significant figures.
edge 1 =units
edge 2 =units
edge 3 =units
surface area =square units
space diagonal = units
volume = cubic units
Remember: Appropriate units need to be attached.
Very large and very small numbers appear in e-Format.
Unvalued zeros on all numbers have been suppressed.
The original inputs have NOT been adjusted in any way.
A note on Format and Accuracy is available.Comments and corrections to The Author please

Additional Information
A cuboid is the shape which is most commonly seen as a box for packaging things in. Some fancy packaging (particularly for sweets) is done in shapes other than cuboids, but not so often. If you buy a pair of shoes and ask to have them in a box, it is almost certain that the box will be a cuboid.
Formally, we would say that a cuboid is a 3-dimensional shape (or polyhedron) having 6 faces, each of which is a rectangle.
Remembering that a rectangle can be a square as well as an oblong, then we have a special case:
if all faces of a cuboid are squares - it is a cube.
The size of a cuboid is defined by 3 edge-lengths which are usually all different, but do not have to be. (Again, if they are all the same it is a cube.) Though the edges are given numbers on screen (edge 1 etc.), this has NO physical meaning, so values of 3, 5, 8 produce the same results as 8, 5, 3 etc.
The volume is found by multiplying these 3 edge-lengths together.
The surface area is the combined areas of all 6 faces.

Space diagonal
Each of the 6 rectangular faces contains 2 diagonals, and these are described as face diagonals
Inside the cuboid there are 4 more diagonals. These connect any two opposite vertices which do not belong to the same face. They are called the space diagonals. All 4 are equal in length.

The message that 'No solution was found' means only that.
So, if a solution is possible then it was outside the limits set within this calculator.
Also, in some cases, more than one solution might be possible, but only one (the first one found) is given here.
If a value of 0 (zero) is given, it means that a solution is possible but is too small to be of any real use.

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