Cleave Books
Cost of Living Calculator for
United Kingdom (Historic)
For more detailed instructions see below.

1500 1710 1810 1910
1525 1720 1820 1920
1550 1730 1830 1930
1575 1740 1840 1940
1750 1850 1950
1600 1760 1860 1960
1625 1770 1870 1970
1650 1780 1880 1980
1675 1790 1890 1990
1700 1800 1900 2000
Additional Information
If the value or cost of something is entered in one of the empty boxes (for a particular year), then its comparable value for all the other years will be given.
To understand the limitations of a Cost of Living Index which goes so far back in time, it is essential to read the separate notes (see below).

Values are given to 2 decimal places, ONLY so as to look like a currency.
Given the wide-ranging assumptions on which all this is based, (see notes), this is an accuracy which is certainly NOT justified.

Limits on input values are from 1 to a billion.
Notes on the
Cost of Living Index are available.

Go to Cleave Books main Index OR The Calculators Index
Version 1.4