Notes on
What's it all About?
The S I Prefixes
Computer Prefixes
I E C Prefixes
Million etc.
What's it all About?
In ordinary language prefixes have an important to play in modifying the meanings of words. For example, consider these, where the (prefix) offered allows us to see two words at once.
(un)desirable, (anti)clockwise, (de)limit,
(in)variable, (im)possible, (in)definite,
(re)new, and even (pre)fix itself.
It is also possible to run two prefixes into one like
In some cases, more than one prefix is possible for the word which follows, especially in cases where a number is implied by the prefix. In each of these, any one (but only one) of the prefixes offered could be attached.
And it is even possible to combine them as in that well-known musical expression
The S I Prefixes
The Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) was set up in 1875 with the principal aim of establishing and publishing standards of physical measurement. Its headquarters is near Paris. Over the years since then its responsibilities have increased, together with the number of different committees involved. However, its main drive has been to produce a rational and unified system of basic measures. And this was launched in 1960 as the Système International d'Unités or SI
Since then various modifications have been made but most are of little concern to the ordinary everyday user.

There are rules and guides for working with the SI and the main ones are to be found in the Dictionary of Units under
Conventions of Usage
However, the principal concern of most users is the sizes of the various prefixes which may be attached to the different units, and this information is given in the table below.
Note, unlike ordinary language, SI prefixes may NOT be doubled.
Prefix Multiplier
yotta Y = 1024 = 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
zetta Z = 1021 = 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
exa E = 1018 = 1 000 000 000 000 000 000
peta P = 1015 = 1 000 000 000 000 000
tera T = 1012 = 1 000 000 000 000
giga G = 109 = 1 000 000 000
mega M = 106 = 1 000 000
kilo k = 103 = 1 000
hecto h = 102 = 100
*deca da = 101 = 10

100 = 1
deci d = 10-1 = 0.1
centi c = 10-2 = 0.01
milli m = 10-3 = 0.001
micro µ = 10-6 = 0.000 001
nano n = 10-9 = 0.000 000 001
pico p = 10-12 = 0.000 000 000 001
femto f = 10-15 = 0.000 000 000 000 001
atto a = 10-18 = 0.000 000 000 000 000 001
zepto z = 10-21 = 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 001
yocto y = 10-24 = 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001
*deca is also seen as deka with the abbreviation da or dk
(What standards?)
Prefixes and ComputersIn the early days of computing the SI prefixes were 'hijacked' for computer usage.
For example, in the SI system 'kilo' means 1000 whereas a computer reference to 'kilo' as in 'kilobytes' meant 1024 bytes.
This was because the computer prefixes were based on a binary scale, and each one is a power of 2 so comparative values were
SI valuesComputer values
kilo =(10³)1 = 1 000  (210)1 = 1 024
mega =(10³)² = 1 000 000  (210)² =1 048 576
giga =(10³)3 = 1 000 000 000  (210)3 =1 073 741 824
tera =(10³)4 = 1 000 000 000 000  (210)4 =1 099 511 627 776

and so on . . . .
and so on . . . .
The patterns in the way the values grow is clear.
The differences in value from the SI system are not enormous
but they do get bigger as you move 'up' the scale.
Here they are shown as percentages (to 3 significant figures).
A computer 'kilo' is . . . 2.4% bigger than an SI 'kilo'.
A computer 'mega' is . . 4.86% bigger than an SI 'mega'.
A computer 'giga' is . . . 7.37% bigger than an SI 'giga'.
A computer 'tera' is . . . 9.95% bigger than an SI 'tera'. Etc.
Well that WAS the case, but now NO MORE
I E C Prefixes
To avoid all ambiguity and any confusion, in 1998, the International Electrotechnical Commission [IEC] approved a new series of prefixes to be used beside the SI set.
First of all if, say, 'kilo' is intended then that prefix or 'k' is used.
However, if the computer value is meant then the prefix 'kibi' is used.
This is formed by using the first two characters of kilo & binary respectively.
This rule extends to yield
mebi for megabinary
gibi for gigabinary
tebi for terabinary
and so on . . .
The abbreviations are very easy, just use the appropriate SI abbreviation and put in an 'i' after it. With just one exception (Yes! there had to be one.) The 'kilo' is not small 'k' but capital 'K'. The first six are shown here together with their values
Ki = 210 = 1 024
Mi = 220 = 1 048 576
Gi = 230 = 1 073 741 824
Ti = 240 = 1 099 511 627 776
Pi = 250 = 1 125 899 906 842 624
Ei = 260 = 1 152 921 504 606 846 976
and then there are Zi and Yi
These IEC prefixes are used in the fields of data processing and data transmission to give multiples like kibibytes (or kibiB or KiB) and gibibits (or Gibit) and similar.
A fuller account of this, together with suggestions on pronounciation, can be found at the
US National Institute of Standards and Technology [NIST]
or by going directly to this document
Millions etc.
The word million (=1 000 000) appeared in the 1300's. Then, in 1484, Nicolas Chuquet, a French mathematician published a system for naming larger numbers.
It was based on the million. The next number would be million × million. That is two millions multiplied together. The Latin prefix for two is 'bi' so it would be bi-millions or billion.
Next tri-millions or trillion (million×million×million)
Then quad-millions or quadrillion and so on.

Nothing much happened about this for a few centuries and then it was slowly taken up. Britain used Chuquet's system, but France modified it to make each step increase a thousand times rather than a million times. Later, the USA adopted this French system. And so the seeds of confusion were sown, which was not helped by the fact that, later still, France changed to the original Chuquet system!
In the second half of the 1900's with much more happening internationally rather than just nationally, the modified Chuquet system came to be more generally used. This was particularly important for the billion (= a thousand million) which was being bandied about more and more. And let's be pragmatic, you get to be a billionaire more quickly with that one! Here we will refer to the modified Chuquet system as the Modern system. The difference between the two is shown in the table below.
Chuquet Modern
million = million1 = 10002 = million
thousand million = 10003 = billion
billion = million2 = 10004 = trillion
thousand billion = 10005 = quadrillion
trillion = million3 = 10006 = quintillion
thousand trillion = 10007 = sextillion
quadrillion = million4 = 10008 = septillion
and so on.
A more extensive list of the Modern names,
and their definitions, is given below.
The 'Modern' Naming System
10001 = thousand = 103 100011 = decillion = 1033
10002 = million = 106 100012 = undecillion = 1036
10003 = billion = 109 100013 = duodecillion = 1039
10004 = trillion = 1012 100014 = tredecillion = 1042
10005 = quadrillion = 1015 100015 = quattuordecillion = 1045
10006 = quintillion = 1018 100016 = quindecillion = 1048
10007 = sextillion = 1021 100017 = sexdecillion = 1051
10008 = septillion = 1024 100018 = septendecillion = 1054
10009 = octillion = 1027 100019 = octodecillion = 1057
100010 = nonillion = 1030 100020 = novemdecillion = 1060
100021 = vigintillion = 1063
The names can be continued, but they become very much longer
(and who needs them anyway?) until we get to
1000101 = centillion = 10303
and beyond!
The table is (at first sight) very well-behaved.
The powers of 1000 go up in 1's and the powers of 10 go up in 3's, so that the latter is always three times the size of the former.
However, if we study the names of the numbers we can see an anomaly. Matching their prefixes (bi=2, tri=3 quad=4 etc.) against the power of the 1000's on their left shows that they are always 1 behind.
The reason for this is apparent from the previous table. It can be resolved by re-writing in the manner suggested on the right.

10002 as 1000 × 10001 = million
10003 as 1000 × 10002 = billion
10004 as 1000 × 10003 = trillion
10005 as 1000 × 10004 = quadrillion
10006 as 1000 × 10005 = quintillion
and so on . . .
Archimedes (287-212 BC) is generally credited as being one of the greatest mathematicians of all time. Among his many works that we know of, is one called The Sand Reckoner. Its title is derived from his attempt to estimate how many grains of sand there might be in the entire universe or, more correctly, to set an upper limit on how many there might be. It fact it is a treatise on how we can go on generating a naming system for bigger and bigger numbers. Briefly, using a modern notation, it went like this.
A myriad (=10,000) was their largest number.
Take a myriad (he said) and multiply it by itself. Call this X.
then X = 100,000,000 (or 108)
Next generate X1 . . X2 . . X3 . . X4 . . and so on
up to XX and call this P (=10800000000)
We use P since Archimedes referred to all numbers now possible at this point as belonging to the first period.
Up to P² was the second period and so on up to PX
And there he stopped. (What about PP?)
To see the full value of PX simply write a 1 followed by
80,000,000,000,000,000 noughts
that is 80 quadrillion noughts!
Archimedes was not the only mathematician of those times who worked on this (Apollonius was another) but he took it much further than anyone else and could be credited with introducing the idea of a 'power of a number'.
In very recent times we have had two large numbers added to our language. They were devised by Edward Kasner (who defined them) in collaboration with his 9 year old nephew (who named them). First there is the
googol = 10100
and then there is the
googolplex = 10googol
and much effort and writing has gone into trying to give some idea of how big these numbers are, including the 'facts' that there is not enough ink to write out the value of the second one in full nor the space to write it in!
After displaying so many large numbers, we conclude with showing how some of them are ordered (from smallest to greatest)
yotta < vingintillion < googol < centillion < PX < googolplex < PP


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Version 1.4